Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Health and Wellbeing boards within Local Authorities have a statutory duty to carry out a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), which is used to ensure that pharmacy services meet the needs of the population in Richmond. This includes where services are and what services are provided by the pharmacy/pharmacies near you.

To help produce the PNA, we would like to hear the views and experiences of patients and the public who use pharmacies in Richmond. Your views are very important to us as they will enable us to understand the needs of the population to help shape future pharmacy services in your area.

We are asking people to share their experiences of using pharmacies in Richmond through our survey. This includes questions about the services provided by pharmacies, as well as their location and opening times. The survey includes equality monitoring questions so we can make sure our services are provided fairly and to those who need them.

You can complete our survey online.

If you require any assistance completing this survey or would like to receive this survey in a different format, or have any questions about the project, please e-mail:

This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and closes on the 17th November 2022.